

What is 1 Gbps?

1 Gbps or 1 Gigabits per second is roughly 1000 Mbps which is 10 times faster than 100 Mbps.

How fast is 1Gbps is in terms of usage?

Here is what you can do with a speed of 1 Gbps.

MP3 file 3MB less than 1 second
TV episode 350MB 3 seconds
720p High Definition TV episode 950MB 8 seconds
Blu-Ray Movie 15GB 2 minutes
Is your PC or Phone compatible with that kind of speed?

To find out if your computer supports a 1 Gbps Internet connection, follow the directions below.

Your computer's processing speed has the greatest impact on the actual speed you'll experience in your home or business.

Microprocessor -5th generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U Dual Core Processor or equivalent.

RAM Memory -8GB

Ethernet port/NIC (Network Interface Card) 10/100/1000 or Gigabit Ethernet.

Operating System version

  • Windows 8.1 or Higher
  • MAC OS 10.6 or Higher

Browser version For Windows,

  • IE 8 (or newer)
  • Safari 5.1.1 (or newer)
  • Firefox 24 (or newer)
  • Google Chrome 31 (or newer)
What are the routers that can support 1 Gbps?

Look out for the wifi wireless networking standard 802.11ac.

  • Netgear AC1200
  • Apple AirPort Extreme
  • Google Wifi
  • Asus RT-AC66U
Why get G-force?

With a speed of 1 gbps, the possibilities are limitless. You can get the WOW factor when multiple devices are connected simultaneously at the same time. You can download FULL HD movies in a matter of seconds even if they are over 20GB in size. That's the POWER you get, You will feel the speed, Feel the FIBER POWER.

  • G-FORCE 2
  • G-FORCE 6
  • G-FORCE 10
  • Speed

    1 Gbps

  • FUP

    4 TB

  • Post FUP

    10 Mbps

  • `9,999/-

    Per Month
  • Speed

    1 Gbps

  • FUP

    12 TB

  • Post FUP

    10 Mbps

  • `24,999/-

    Per Month
  • Speed

    1 Gbps

  • FUP

    20 TB

  • Post FUP

    10 Mbps

  • `34,999/-

    Per Month

* G-Force is applicable for MicroTel only.

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